Every day people are faced with different choices..... These choices span out in different varieties . It mite be a common question like what do i feel like doing, or what drink do I want from starbucks ?
Everyone has a set of questions that they are asked, the thing that separates the normz from the oddz is the answers that the people come up with... will i rob a bank, while i save a person etc....
Media plays a big role in this, this is because these days everybody wants to be famous wants to stand out, wants to be the one with the new dior bag, or the one that premiers in a movie, or just the hot spot for people to come to..
G.O.S.S.I.P how do i start here......hmmmmmmm?........
Well know days with all the new technology and media that is around gossip has become very easily spread around, and easily obtainable.... I never understood why people would exploit others just for the sack of it ...
Until one day I figured that out.. These people who create all this gossip are low life people that believe that to be famous you should step on others...
Well that really did prove wrong for a girl recently in a private school here in our own country of Kuwait...
A grade 10 student of the American School of Kuwait opened up a facebook group in which she called gossip girl.
She had spread many false rumors about other private school students all over facebook ....
This is what the group she created stated:
Gossip girl is here..
Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Kuwait, and i have the biggest news ever..
people of k-town, watch your back
cause you never know whos watching..
you can run, but now theres no hiding..
I'll be having lots of news for everyone from my personal sources.
p.s. if there anything you guys are in need to tell the whole of kuwait, just msg.
Don't worryy snitches, you won't be mentioned ;)
you know you love me
-Gossip Girl.
the audacity, The profanities, the carelessness of bringing up full names of ppl we know and love, the foul description of what she claims they did, the horrifying details...
My eyes popped out of their sockets and my jaw dropped to the floor when i had read what she had posted.
What I’m trying to say is that we depend a lot on media not know if what we are doing is good or bad for us...
What really hurt me the most is that some people believed what was posted, and reputations were tarnished, media these days is very easily accessible to anybody theses days, and what I’m trying to say is that first of all what is going on in these various types of medias isn't always right there is the chance of us hearing something that is false, and I hope by writing this blog people will be more carful when they read something on the net, or hear it on TV, or stumble upon it on a stupid website like, facebook or twitter... and for those people that have spread fake things around on the media, there is only one thing I want you guyz to remember.. When something is publicized it will never be private again, and I hope you can live with your selves after doing all this to people that maybe never hurt you once...